9 Reasons You Should Make Time to Travel More with Your Family

Whether your idea of family travel is heading out on a road trip or going on a three-week hike, don’t you agree that traveling shapes you as a person and fulfills your desires? Traveling offers life expereinces that are best discovered when getting away from our normal routines.

Relaxing in our Paris Airbnb

Relaxing in our Paris Airbnb

It offers more than going to a party and more than reading a book (although these things are great too!) You get to see things in real life, create new memories, and experience incredible things. With that being said, there are so many reasons you should make more time to travel with your family. Today I want to share many of my favorite reasons to travel.

Open Your Eyes up to New Cultures

Traveling can help create experiences of culture shock, especially if you haven’t traveled much before. However, culture shock is a good thing. It opens your eyes up to a new way of living and makes you are more understanding and accepting person. This can be especially influential on children which is why I believe that kids are really never too young to start traveling.

Experiencing new cultures can help shape you as a person. Travelling will help you develop toughness and a self-reliant attitude that makes you more aware of other people and independent. Without experiencing new cultures, you won’t get to see the world for what it really is and can offer.

Fill your life with memories

If you avoid travelling because it takes you outside of your comfort zone, then you should use this an as excuse to travel more. It is good to get outside of your comfort zone and experience new things. When you are experiencing new places and activities with your family, you are creating memories together. Isn’t that a big part of what life is all about?

The best memories are those where you did something different and tried something new and unusual. You never know, you might even find a new passion when you take yourself outside of your comfort zone by trying something new. 

Quality time

If you desire quality time with your close friends and family, then traveling is a great way to achieve that. When you are on an adventure or sitting around the pool, it allows you to connect with those you love and have concentrated quality time. 

Although you might sit around the dinner table together every night with your family or go for walks at the weekend with your friend, you might never feel fully relaxed. You likely have commitments the next day, which are always at the back of your mind. 

Whereas when you travel together, you can take each moment as it comes and lives in the moment instead of the future. You can spend quality time together and enjoy each other’s company.

Discover the ‘True You’

Traveling is the best time to take yourself and your family out of your comfort zone and get to know the true you. When you visit new places, you challenge yourself and discover your inner truths, which you may never meet without experiencing new things. The new hurdles you face will help you discover how you deal with situations. These hurdles will also encourage you to take life less seriously. 

You can truly let your hair down when you travel and discover more about yourself than you think. 

Mental and Physical Rest

Speaking of letting your hair down, traveling allows us to mentally and physically rest. It is a time where you can switch off from the fast-paced world and let your mind relax. This helps us be more present once we return home to our daily routines.

If you want true relaxation, then you should embark on a trip that doesn’t involve too much. If you go away and have a strict and busy itinerary, then you might not come home feeling properly rested. A few days to sit and soak up the culture is plenty to rest and reset. 

It’s important for kids to have this mental break too. They have a lot of demands at home so it’s a great way to have a healthy reset for the whole family.

Reconnect with the World

We can become isolated from the world as we focus on our daily tasks each day. Travel helps us find opportunities to connect with the world to broaden our knowledge, find a sense of fulfilment, and inspire yourself. 

You can have time to think and not be focusing only on your normal daily tasks. You can take each moment as it comes, talk to new people, and experience new things. When you are in another town or country, it gives you the perfect excuse to connect with the world, what it can offer, and enjoy its sense of fulfilment. 

Meet New People

Traveling to new places is the perfect opportunity to meet new people. You might meet people on the plane, train, at a restaurant, or on a walk. There are so many opportunities to meet and connect with new people when you are travelling. 

Helping your kids become comfortable talking to others. is a great life skill. Travel is a perfect platform for introducing them to new people!

Indulge in Different Cuisines

One key benefit of traveling is indulging in types of food. It is so fulfilling (and delicious!) to visit a new country and try their local dishes. 

You can use traveling as an excuse to satisfy the foodie within you and open your eyes (and tastebuds) to new flavors. Simply trying the local food is a great way to meet new people and dive into the local culture.

Kids may be more likely to try new foods when it’s presented while traveling. Of course, don’t force new food on them but let them see your excitement about it and they may surprise you and give it a try.

Our kids loved trying crepes in Paris!

Our kids loved trying crepes in Paris!

Try to Learn a New Language

If you are keen to learn a new language, then traveling is a great motivator to do it. Although you can learn a new language at home, it is much easier to pick up phrases when you are surrounded by the language at all times.

Teach your kids a few phrases for the language of your destination and encourage them to use the new words while traveling. This will build their confidence and also show interest in the place you are visiting.
Talk to the locals and ask for tips, you will soon pick up phrases and terms that you can take with you to start conversations. Taking a notebook around with you to write things down will help you remember words and phrases, which will help you learn quicker.