Top Tips For Planning Family Travel (That Cut The Stress)

Underlying every memorable family trip is a great deal of planning and preparation to ensure things run smoothly. Over the years our family has learned quite a bit about how to stay organized, plan successful vacations which reduce the stress associated with travel. The good news is that I’m sharing my top trip planning tips with you today!

Always be searching for inspiration

One of the best things about traveling as a family is that it is really fun to dream about destinations and keep an eye out for new trip ideas.

Everyone in the family is welcome to throw out travel ideas but my husband and I get the final say.

A few of my favorite ways to learn about new destinations:

  • Talking to friends about favorite trips they have taken.

  • Looking on Instagram for inspiration

  • Subscribe to Travel Zoo’s Top 20 weekly email to see great travel deals and learn about new destinations.

  • Say yes to trip opportunities when others present them.

How to Organize Trip Ideas

The first is to save posts like this one on fall field trip ideas that have lots of good general suggestions for the types of activities you can do. Then when you feel yourself in need of inspiration you will have it at hand. 

You can save links and lists to a spreadsheet. You could make it a private spreadsheet but I like to create a Google spreadsheet to share with others who will be coming on the trip so we can collaborate and keep a common list of ideas.

Secondly, opening a shared Pinterest account for family travels can be a great idea. There are several options to consider here including running boards either for each person’s own ideas, or for each destination, and allow each member of the family to add their requests and ideas to them as they do their research. 

You could also use a paper notebook to jot down all of your travel goals and destinations you hope to visit.

Get a Shared Family Calendar 

A paper calendar is fine, but an online shared calendar is the best option because you can send notifications and reminders to everyone if things change. Also by keeping a shared calendar you make sure everyone knows your dates of travel, as well as the dates when the pre and post-trip chores need to be done.

Sharing a calendar also lets you know dates everyone in your family is available which can help with planning.

Create Master Packing Lists 

Master packing lists can be lifesavers when done right. They can be used over and over again if printed out and laminated. You can give them to the kids too so they can do their own packing easily. 

You can check out and print off my 5 favorite packing lists. I’ve created these lists to help making packing for a variety of trips so much easier.

Have a Pre-trip Routine 

Finally, when you travel a lot as a family it can help to have a pre-trip routine. You can even write it out and display it somewhere in the house if you like, as this will remind everyone of all the things they need to do. 

For example, a pre-trip routine might include getting the clothes they want to take in the wash a couple of days before your departure date. Then no one will be scrambling around to find their favorite traveling pants the night before you leave. Similarly, displaying a list where the kids ( and hubby) can add any items they need to take, 2 weeks or so before the trip means you can stay organized and save money as you won't have to buy things like headache tablets at the airport. 

You can take a look at my podcast episode with my list of things to do the day before a trip. I love lists and I hope this will help you stay organized before heading out the door on vacation.

With a little planning ahead, you will find that heading out of a family trip can be low-stress and maybe even fun!