Books You Will Want to Take with You on Your Next Vacation

Name a better combo than an amazing trip paired with a fantastic book. Okay, maybe peanut butter and chocolate, but not much can beat having time to cozy up with a great book. In 2021, I made time to read 50 books and today I’m going to share my top 10 favorites with you. Of course, my reading time isn’t exclusive to when we travel but I do think it’s a trip essential for me to have a book ready for most trips.

As I reviewed my list of books that I read in 2021 and made a list of my most favorites, I was surprised that seven of them were non-fiction. I’ve always thought I was mainly a fiction reader but I guess things shifted last year. I’m curious to see if this is a new trend or just a one-time thing. Either way, I have a great list of books to recommend to you today.

I hope you can pick one of these up when you head out on your next trip. Or if you won’t be traveling, read one of these books as an escape into a place where you can experience something new.

My 2021 Fiction Favorite Books

  • Anxious People by Fredrick Backman. I loved the character development and surprising plot twists.

  • Surviving Savannah by Patti Callahan. Historical fiction story about the Titanic of the South, the Pulaski. You follow along with characters on the ill-fated ship while also following the storyline of a modern-day museum curator. The main characters all face tragedy, loss, and fight to triumph.

  • The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See. Another historical fiction. The setting is a remote Korean island and follows the lives of two friends from different backgrounds throughout the course of their lives. There is so much to learn about Korean culture and friendship.

My 2021 Non-fiction Favorite Books

  • This is the Story of a Happy Marriage by Ann Pachett. This was a thoroughly enjoyable collection of short stories written as memories of the author. Her writing is so engaging and interesting and really drew me in.

  • The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates. The author shares many personal experiences about how to encourage and uplift women throughout the world.

  • Together by Vivek Murthy. Written by a former US Surgeon General, he examines the epidemic of loneliness and what we can do to help make the world a more positive place.

  • Becoming by Michelle Obama. Loved listening to Michelle narrate this book all about her journey from a girl growing up on the southside of Chicago to the White House and beyond.

  • Shoe Dog by Phil Knight. This is a book I keep recommending to people because I enjoyed it so much. It’s the story of the founder of Nike and how he built his business. There were so many struggles and obstacles and it’s exciting because you know it ends well but you have no idea how everything will come together.

  • I Will Always Write Back by Maritn Ganda and Caitlin Alifirenka. Loved this! It’s the story of two middle school kids, one in the US, and one in Africa who become pen pals. This book includes their letters plus their experiences while growing up and the book follows them into adulthood. Such a beautiful story of true friendship!

  • The Only Plane in the Sky by Garrett Goff. This is such a unique and moving account of the events of 9/11. The author gathered hundreds of personal accounts from different people from that ill-fated day and weaves them together chronologically to share the events of the day from many perspectives.

Interesting to note, I listened to all of these books on audible, except for Anxious People (read a hardcopy of this.) I wonder if I just like having books read to me or if the books really were more interesting that I listened to?

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