How to Dream Up and Plan the Best Travel Experiences for your Family in 2023

Where do you want to go in 2023? Today I’m offering an easy framework you can use to narrow down your priorities and help you create the best travel experiences for you and your family this year. Are you ready? Let’s make some travel plans!

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Sometimes fun travel opportunities just pop up and we can go with the flow. But other times we can be intentional in our planning and create travel experiences for our families that will help us reach our dreams and goals.

I’ve designed a worksheet that you can download and print to help you make meaningful travel plans.

Check out the Making Travel Plans Worksheet here.

Let’s take a look at the categories on the worksheet.


Who do you want to spend more time with this year?

Are there any old friends you haven’t seen in a while but you feel like you’d like to see them?

Do you have some newer friends you’d like to get to know better while on a vacation together?

Are there any family members you want to make an extra effort to see this year?

Would you like to plan a trip with your siblings? Cousins?

Make a list of the people who can to mind while you read through the list of questions.


What destinations are calling to you?

Do you want to return to a place that you loved?

Where is a place you could drive and spend a weekend?

Is there a road trip you’ve had on your radar?

Is there somewhere that you’d love to see that requires a passport?

Make a list of the places that sparked in your mind while reading those questions.


What activities sound like so much fun?

Is there something outdoors that you’d love to do? Hike, bike, climb?

Is there a piece of art you really want to see?

What adventurous activity sounds like a lot of fun? Skydiving, river rafting, zip lining?

Is there a concert you want to see?

Do you have a favorite sports team? Do you want to travel to one of their games?

Jot down a short list of experiences that you think sound like something you and your family would enjoy.

Time to Make Plans!

  • Now that you have your lists, highlight one thing in each category that stands out as the most important to you.

  • Plan a meeting with your partner to discuss the travel ideas that you highlighted. Ideally, your partner will create a list too.

  • Pull out your calendar and put a couple of ideas on specific dates.

  • Send an email to invite any friends or family to join you who you want to travel with.

  • Start booking flights, hotels, and make reservations.

By gathering ideas and then putting them on the calendar, you are sure to make some amazing plans for yourself and your family.