How Can You Plan Your Best Trip Yet?

If you are planning on going on a trip, then you are going to want to make it the best one yet. A lot of people just want to go away after the past year that we have spent in and out of lockdown due to COVID-19. Now is a great time to start making some travel plans even if you need to plan them out to happen months from now.

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As our family has started planning more trips again, I’ve thought of a few things that have sparked trip inspiration for us and thought I’d share them with you below.

Plan It Around An Event

One fun way to think up where to go next is to plan your entire trip around an event. We love looking for concerts or sporting events to attend and then plan a long weekend around that. For example, if you can manage to get Dave Chapelle tickets, NBA tickets, or a time slot at one of our favorite NYC museums, then this is a fantastic way to ensure that the center of your vacation is something that you are going to really be excited about. Or, it could be something like a festival that you have always wanted to go attend. There are plenty of options here, so don’t feel as though you are limited to planning it around one kind of event, any event will do!

Make this the focal point of your trip, and then do everything else as it comes. You can plan around the event the things that you want to do such as sightseeing and so on. We’re sure that there are plenty of fun things that you can do in the area, and if not, then go outside of the area on a little road trip.

Create a Travel Bucketlist

There are so many great reasons to take a little time and create a travel bucket list. Ask your kids if they have certain animals they’d like to see, activities they’d like to do, historical points of interest, or beautiful destinations they have seen online that they would like to visit. Don’t forget to add the parents’ wishes to the list too!

I share all about my travel bucket list and more ideas on creating one on my Dream Big with a Delightful Travel Bucket List podcast episode.

Creating this list gives your family a great starting point when exploring where you want to travel next. You can also use this list to do some trip planning for bigger trips over the next few years.

Save Your Money

Since we haven’t been traveling as much due to the pandemic, it’s been a good time to save money for future trips. Set money aside now so that you will have it ready to spend when a great last-minute travel deal presents itself or when things finally open up enough for you to feel safe traveling again.

You can check out our podcast episode with Danielle Desir all about Practical Ways to Save Money for Trips to discover a few great ways to gather small amounts of money each month that can add up to a nice amount by the end of the year.

Making Trip Plans

Not sure where to start? I share my entire trip planning process in a podcast episode and I hope you can use this as a guide to help plan your next trip. Breaking the trip planning down into easy steps helps alleviate the stress and increases the fun of anticipating visiting a new destination.

Now the question is, where will you go next?