How To Look After Your Health When Traveling

It has happened to many of us: we have saved up and planned for a dream vacation, got there, and BAM! We wake up on the first morning feeling like we have been hit by a bus. At best, it takes the shine off the vacation for a few days; at worst it can be scary - being in a different country, perhaps with a different language and completely different healthcare system to the one that we are used to. 

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While we cannot avoid every possible illness or health issue when we are out on the traveling experience of a lifetime, there are steps that we can take to safeguard our health and reduce the risks to us. Let’s talk about a few things you can do to help yourself and your family be in the best health possible when you are heading out on a big family vacation.

Have a Check-up Before You Go Traveling

Regular check-ups with your general practitioner are always a good idea to keep an eye on your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and monitor your overall health. However, having a thorough check before you go can pinpoint any problems that you may not realize and get them sorted before you head off. It is especially important if you are going to travel for a long time. You don’t need a check-up before every weekend getaway but if you will be leaving the country for a few weeks, this is a safe idea.

As well as a general health check-up, do not forget things like going to the dentist for an oral health check, the opticians, and hearing checks. This allows you to arrange any treatments such as fillings or repairs or to order your glasses from

You also need to make sure that you have any of the necessary vaccinations to make sure that you are protected from contagious diseases such as malaria and yellow fever while you are traveling if you are visiting those countries where the risk is high.

Make Sure That You Get Enough Sleep

It is really easy to skimp on sleep when you are traveling. After all, you have so many things to see and do that sleep almost feels like you are wasting your time, not to mention the fact you are somewhere different and perhaps not in a bed as comfortable as your own at home. However, when we are exhausted, our immune system can become weakened, leading us to be more prone to picking up bugs and infections. It is important to get as much decent sleep as you can, or at the very least, listen to your body and rest when it is telling you to.

When we are traveling during hot summer days, we like to return to our hotel or vacation rental for a rest or nap when the heat is at the highest and then return out to adventure in the evening.

Try to Eat Healthily

Unless you stay in nice hotels that cook fresh meals every day, eating healthily while traveling can often be difficult. It is easy to grab something cheap and easy on the go, especially if cooking and food preparation facilities are limited. However, where possible, eat well. Take advantage of local food markets and vendors and incorporate fruit and vegetables and plenty of protein into your diet to give you energy and keep you healthy.

Pack a few healthy snacks that you can eat in a pinch so that you are not always relying on whatever is available from snack carts or fast-food places.

Avoid Drinking Too Much Alcohol

When you are out traveling or on vacation, it is perfectly normal to want to let your hair down and have a beer or a cocktail or two, and that’s fine - just do not overdo it. Not only does drinking too much put more strain on your liver and kidneys, but it can also cause weight gain, leave you feeling hungover the next day, put your safety at risk and cost you. Stick to one or two, and have glasses of water or soft drinks in between every alcoholic one. 

Stay hydrated

Continuing from the previous point, make sure that you stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water, especially if you are traveling in a hot country or are particularly active. Bring along a refillable water bottle that you can top off at restaurants or in drinking fountains so that you always have water with you. If it’s filled and in your bag, you’re more likely to drink it.

Remember Sun Protection

We should all be wearing sun protection all year round, wherever we are, to protect our skin from the damage caused by the UV rays from the sun. However, it is even more important if you are traveling to or around a hot, sunny country. Stock up on the sun cream, follow the instructions regarding reapplying it, wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your head and neck, and wear a decent pair of sunglasses to keep your eyes safe.

If you will be flying to your destination, remember that liquids can only be in 3.4-ounce containers. I like to bring along a couple of smaller tubes of sunscreen so that I can pack the brands our family uses. If you don’t want to worry about packing it, stop by a drug store once you arrive and buy some.

Going traveling can be the experience of a lifetime, so make sure that you take steps to keep yourself healthy. Nothing ruins a vacation quite being unwell or sunburned! 

What are your top tips for looking after your health when traveling?