Engage Your Kids with Creative Travel Themed Conversation Starters

Let’s talk about travel! Gather your family around the table and get a conversation started with the 10 travel-themed questions shared in this episode. Lisa poses the questions for your family to answer and also shares her experiences relating to each of the questions. It’s a fun episode that is sure to help you reminisce and spark new travel ideas.

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I started reading Laura Tremaine’s Book “Share Yours Stuff, I’ll Go First” recently and it inspired the format of this episode. In the book, Laura poses a question and the beginning of each chapter that the reader can answer and then she shares her answer to the question.

Today I’ve gathered ten travel-themed questions that will be great conversation starters for you and your family. Pull a few out around the dinner table or while you are driving together in the car.

10 Travel Themed Questions to Ask Your Family

  1. Where would you most like to live in the world?

  2. If you could only eat rice or potatoes, which would you choose?

  3. If you could swim with dolphins or go shark diving, which would you choose and why?

  4. What comfort at home do you miss most when you travel?

  5. What is your most embarrassing travel moment?

  6. What is the most useful item you like to bring on trips?

  7. Disney World or the real world?

  8. What do you pack and then not use?

  9. A strict schedule or go with the flow?

  10. What’s the best street food you’ve had while on vacation?

I hope you have fun with this list and get the travel conversation flowing!

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